Thursday, January 3, 2013

Days 2 and 3.

I need to retract a few things in my first post.  I wrote that before I clearly  understood Whole30.  Whole 30 is a strict month with no exceptions.  If I choose to incorporate those exceptions into my daily eating habits after, that'll be up to me.  So, nix my oatmeal exception and the "nutrition" goal.  LUCKILY, I didn't actually eat the oats yesterday, and have been fully compliant for the past two days.  No starting over for me yet!

I. Feel. Like. Crap.  

They said this would happen, so I can't say that I'm all that surprised.  But that doesn't make it suck any less.  At least I have been reassured through the timeline published by Whole9 that I'm not alone.  On the one hand, I am psyched about my compliancy...on the other, I just feel icky.  It's kind of like when you put antiseptic on a wound:  I have to keep reminding myself that the unpleasantness is just crap leaving my body.  Breath in, breath out.  Repeat.

Yesterday was awesome.  Did you know that you can cook scrambled eggs in the microwave??  I normally eat breakfast at work, so I brought a carton of pure egg whites and some Wild Planet sustainably caught tuna fish.  Poured some of the egg whites into a bowl, microwaved for 1:00, stirred, microwave another 15 seconds and poof!  Scrambled eggs.  And I think they taste great.  Maybe I don't have a sophisticated palate when it comes to eggs, but I think that's working in my favor.  I mixed in the tuna and it was deeeelish (should have added some spinach.  Darnit!).  I was a bit concerned that I was going to irritate the people in the cubes around me (eggs and tuna aren't the best smelling foods...), but I asked a few colleagues later and they said they didn't smell anything.  Awesome!  

I realized at some point during the day that while I felt like I had grocery shopped enough to prepare myself, I had no idea what the heck I was going to make for dinner.  I had a bunch of Whole30 approved foods, but nothing that went together.  And although I have some awesome cookbooks on order that will be here tomorrow, I need some food now.  Salad and chicken is not going to cut it.

After looking through quite a few recipes, I resorted to the fact that I was going to need to go back to the grocery store no matter what.  I found this curry recipe from Everyday Paleo and decided to make that.  After a monumentally expensive trip to the co-op I had everything I needed to make the curry, plus a few items that seemed to be a staple in a lot of these recipes.  And I was NOT disappointed.  That curry was gooooood.  I made it with some beef, which I picked because it looked kind of right and it was on sale.  Turns out it's not a type of meat that's ideal for this sort of dish, but it was ok anyway.  I know seriously little about different cuts of meat.  I should really study up on that...

Luckily, I had a broomball game to get to immediately following dinner so I had no time to crave my usual after-dinner treat.  For those of you who do not live in a state with a reasonably cold winter, you are totally missing out on the lovely game of broomball.  It's fantastic.  I'm terrible, but luckily my teammates don't care.  And sometimes I can fake it.

This morning was a bit of a rough one.  I was feeling very pleased with my breakfast (another batch of scrambled egg whites, this time with some breakfast sausage I picked up from the co-op that has no sugar added!  I never thought that would be so difficult to find.  Again, forgot a veggie.  Darnit.), and then I went to a meeting where one of my colleagues brought a belated holiday gift.
photo.JPG  Three stinkin' pounds of chocolate stuff.  I couldn't tell you specifically what's in it, because I spent the next two hours trying to keep it from staring at me keep it out of sight.  But, when you're in a small conference room with only a few people, that's a difficult task.  I'm glad to say that I refrained!  And I kept my coworker, a fellow Whole30er for the month, from eating any as well.  I unloaded the chocolates to the tables in the breakroom, but kept the tin.  It's the perfect size for holding some of my crafting stuff!  Maybe my knitting needles. Crafty.

Lunch and dinner today will consist of some pre-made meats I found at the counter at the co-op and some not-very-exciting veggies.  I got pretty excited about this kale recipe I found, but then couldn't find bacon without added sugar.  Guess I'll have to do something else with the kale.  Boo.

I'm really looking forward to getting my cookbooks tomorrow!  Hopefully I'll be able to share some of the good recipes soon.

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